Disinfect & Protect Products Built to Last Through a Lifetime of Play

Playground Disinfection & Protection Services in Southern California

Keeping Kids Healthy in Los Angeles, Santa Clarita, Thousand Oaks, and the Surrounding Areas

No matter what’s happening around them, kids will always want to play outside. However, the risk of viruses and bacteria lingering on their play equipment can’t be ignored. Playgrounds, especially public ones, are an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of germs, and stopping these germs from harming children is something that we at Sun Country Playgrounds take very seriously.

Our playground cleaning, disinfection and protection services are available all across Southern California. We believe in defending every child’s right to play in a safe, healthy environment, and we always design our services with their needs in mind.

Contact us online to learn more about our playground disinfection and protection services, or call (661) 529-7133 to speak directly to our representatives. No child should have to play in a space that’s been contaminated by hazardous bacteria or viruses!

Effective, Non-Toxic Methods

Every substance we use in our disinfection and protection process is completely safe for children. We know that kids are known to touch surfaces they shouldn’t and that the hands they use to touch often wind up in their mouths or touching their faces. Exposing kids to harmful cleaning products this way is just as bad as exposing them to germs, so we make sure that after we’re done disinfecting, kids are free to be kids with no risk to their health.

Stopping Germs in Their Tracks

We use maximum-strength solutions to ensure that we eliminate as many harmful substances on the surface of your playground as possible. Plus, we make sure that our team has the training and experience necessary to apply these products correctly, ensuring they work effectively.

It is our goal to give parents and educators the peace of mind that those they care for will not be threatened by contagious diseases or infectious bacteria. If you’ve spotted an unusual amount of sneezes or sudden wave of sickness and believe that your playground equipment may be the source, we can eliminate the threat fast, leaving your kids free to play safely again.

Our Disinfection and Protection Services Can Reduce the Risk Of:

  • Infected cuts
  • Influenza
  • The common cold
  • And more!

Safety is Always Our Priority

Safety is at the heart of everything we do at Sun Country Playgrounds. From initial design to construction, we make it our mission to eliminate every potential source of harm, and we don’t stop after our playgrounds are installed. Our cleaning, disinfection and protection services allow us to continue our work to provide you with safe playground equipment, so your kids can enjoy themselves 365 days a year, no matter what kind of bug is going around.

Call (661) 529-7133 to learn more about everything we do to ensure that our playgrounds are as safe as possible, up to and including disinfection and protection!


Tell It Best
  • “The playground equipment at Mission Oaks Park is one of, if not the best in the District.”

    - Dan at Pleasant Valley Parks & Recreation Department
  • “We are so grateful for their hard work, excellent service and quality equipment.”

    - S.R.